Guests enjoy the view with a drink on the terrace of the cosy ski lodge.
Inside the lodge is a dining room, as well as bunk beds and a bathroom. With plenty of accessories!
- includes all the accessories needed in a ski lodge, such as a bar and tap, seats for resting a while, serving hatches, various meals and drinks, price board, ski racks and a terrace.
- the top floor rooms are furnished.
- includes plenty of accessories for winter sports, such as skis, removable gloves, and more.
Figures: 1 man, 2 women, 1 boy, 1 girl; Animals: 1 cat; Accessories: 1 ski lodge, 3 pairs of gloves, 1 small pile of wood, 1 large pile of wood, 1 stack of books, 1 box, 1 pair of bellows, 1 cupcake, 1 plate, 1 fireplace with bench, 1 chair, 1 stool, 1 bench, 1 table, 1 counter, 1 tap, 1 bottle, 3 jugs, 4 caps, 1 snowman, 1 chimney sweep set, 2 ski poles, 2 skis, 1 deckchair, 1 changing room shelf, 2 shovels, 1 sign, 1 tray with croissants, 1 fir tree, 1 ladder, 1 portion of french fries, 1 mattress, 1 blanket